
Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die

I am tired, and I am exhausted. And I have been so for the past half year, maybe even more. Is this friendship truly something that I want to continue? Do I want to have to fix it every other day? Do I really need this? Many say no, but in my hearts of heart… Continue reading Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die


Recommendation: One of my favourite Norwegian bloggers

One of my absolute favourite bloggers must be Hedda Ingeborgvik. She runs the blog called hedda.blogg.no. She writes in Norwegian, and I become so happy every time I see that she has written a new post. She is so incredibly pretty, and she has the best style and her make-up always looks so stunning and flawless. Even… Continue reading Recommendation: One of my favourite Norwegian bloggers