
Day 3: Your perfumes & Day 4: Something you’re not looking forward to

Day 3: Your perfumes I am going to halfway skip this. Because I don’t have any interesting perfumes to show, or use. The only one I use is Oh, Lola! by Marc Jacobs, but I use that really rarely. The once I use everyday are the Victoria Secret body mist, and especially Mango Temptation. But… Continue reading Day 3: Your perfumes & Day 4: Something you’re not looking forward to


Day 1: A picture of yourself that you like & Day 2: Your three favorite songs right now.

Day 1: A picture of yourself that you like. Well, I am going to skip the first one. But like, you can just scroll through my blog, because I rarely post a picture that I don’t like. Because why should I? And I see no point in posting more pictures of me than I have to.… Continue reading Day 1: A picture of yourself that you like & Day 2: Your three favorite songs right now.