
An other sleepless night

Why do I yet again find myself wide awake in the middle of the night listening to Carola and Scooter? It’s a weird combination I know, but my biggest dream is a duet. That would be something right? Right now I just have them on the same playlist. That isn’t close enough if you ask me. I have also started writing list of everything I have to do so that I actually do them. Tomorrow is easy though. I am going shopping with my aunt Ingfrid which is staying at my place at the moment.

This night’s thought that are keeping me up, could actually just be a reaction of my love for Jimmy Steve (as Kamilla and I like to call him) on Shameless. I have just seen the last episode, and……. No. I say as Javert “shoot me now or shoot me later”. That is a Les Mis referance for those of you who didn’t get that. Ågot, I know you got it!!! If you haven’t catched up (or started) Shameless yet, you should. You will suffer, but you’re gonna be happy about it. Or just stay up crying all night as me. I literally started crying after just 4 minutes today. And my tears didn’t stop until I finished that episode. It wasn’t even that sad of an episode, I am just really emotionally involved with these characters. ESPECIALLY Jimmy Steve, Fiona, Lip, Debbie, Carl AND IAN AND MICKEY!!! GALLAVICH, MY BABIES ❤ 😥 Okay, that was literally the entire Gallagher-family, except Liam, but you know, he hasn’t that big of a part.
I have realised that I might be a little too emotionally involved, but you know, yolo. My use of the expression yolo started ironically like everything else. Now it is almost not ironic anymore. Stop me before it goes to far. 

I have also gone so far that I have added the official song from when our local footballteam won the cup to Eirin and mine’s party playlist. This is not good. She might actually end up killing me. I have also added some more Carola. Eirin is at home, because she had surgery today. I don’t know how I am going to survive the next couple of weeks. I think that’s why my aunt decided to come now. My mum and my aunt probably had it planned all along if I know them correctly, because my aunt has talked quite a lot about that I don’t have to be alone at all times.

Kamilla has also started to send me this year’s Eurovision songs. She and IK is my Eurovision experts, but Kamilla is really worried about this year’s contestants… So am I if I must be honest. Kamilla has also watched today’s Shameless episode, so I am also quite worried about her bloodpressure, because she needs to be stressed after both the Shameless crises and the Eurovision crises. To be honest, I also fear for my own health with Broadchurch coming up tomorrow….

Oooh no, now I found the Les Mis-soundtrack…. That was that night of good sleep. Javert, you need to chill. So do I, obviously. This has been the most random post of all times, but I think now you see the reasons why I don’t sleep.

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