
The best hangover cure


I went out with a couple of friends last night. And as usual it wasn’t as fun as expected. It was really fun to hang with Ingrid again, but I have just gotten to old for this type of partying. As said before, I have reached the mid life crises.
So today started horrifying with a killing headache and nausea. After a few hours wallowing in self pity I asked if Linn Louise wanted to go for a walk, and luckily she said yes. We went to Sognsvann and walked around it. It was really fun, and much better than lying inside in my bed. We even got waffles and hot chocolate!!!
After that we went to the movies with Julie, and saw 50 shades of grey as probably every other person in this world the last week. And I get the critque of the movie after watching it to say the least… Mr. Grey seems like a psychopat and serial killer that is hiding four of five girls in his basement.

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