Everyday · Family

My little girl has gotten her dog

And my heart is melting. This is the cutest thing that I have seen in my entire life, and I cried for ages after talking to them. Then I called Andreas and forced him out on a walk, and on my very first Lush haul which I probably will post pictures of tomorrow, because today I am too busy eating candy. And also Maria is coming to visit and is staying here for a few days!  

Look how cute they are together ❤ As I said I talked to her on the phone, and I was so sorry that I couldn’t be there. Christina, Martine and tante Hege is currently in London, so Thea is staying at my place, and Thea was so proud because she is sleeping in my bed. With Bessi (the dog). I don’t know if they remember that I am allergic or not. But I don’t care at this point, she is so cute that she can just stay there if she wants to ❤ ❤ ❤

I also talked to Besses, and he was very satisfied with the choice of dog. As I have mentioned before, he was the one who bought it for Thea after he won the lottery. He said that the dog was really pretty, and a real “kosehund”.It is just the cutest thing ever, and I can’t wait for Easter when I go home to them. I also want to pet the dog, and that is the first time you ever are going to hear me say that. I even want a dog for myself at this point.

Yes, you read right Malin. I am sorry about all of your cats.

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